Boy’s dream comes true after getting adopted by best friend's family

  family life
Boy’s dream comes true after getting adopted by best friend's family

In an incredible tale of love, resilience, and the unbreakable bonds of family, Andrew and Joc's lives were forever changed when destiny brought them together. Andrew, who spent a significant portion of his young life in foster care, found solace and a new beginning in the embrace of Joc's parents, Dominique and Kevin Gill. This heartfelt story of adoption and unconditional love showcases the extraordinary power of family.

Dominique Gill/Instagram

Dominique and Kevin opened their hearts and their home to Andrew, whose parental rights were tragically terminated at the tender age of six. At ten years old, he arrived in Nashville, Tennessee, unsure of what the future held. Dominique reflected on those early days, sharing with Today Parents, "Andrew has four siblings, and they were all adopted right away. During his first week with us, he sat in his room with the door closed and looked at old pictures. He didn't want to talk."

Dominique Gill/Instagram

Andrew's initial reaction to his new surroundings was one of resistance and turmoil. Fueled by fear and uncertainty, he would often act out, desperately trying to push away those who cared for him. Dominique recalls his shouts of frustration, "Just let me move out!" However, she refused to give up on him, determined to mend his wounded heart. She lovingly assured him, "We are going to get you together." And that's precisely what the Gill family did, showing Andrew unwavering support and affection.

Through their unwavering love and persistence, the Gill family witnessed a remarkable transformation in Andrew. He gradually gained emotional stability, and over the course of a year, his outbursts became a thing of the past. Andrew's journey toward healing had begun, and he was no longer the withdrawn child he once was.

A turning point in Andrew and Joc's relationship came when Joc invited Andrew to play video games. To Joc's astonishment, Andrew nodded in agreement, sparking a connection that would blossom into an unbreakable bond. Dominique acknowledges their newfound friendship, saying, "We had a lot of stuff in common." Video games, particularly Minecraft, became the medium through which they forged a deep and lasting connection.

Dominique Gill/Instagram

As time passed and the boys grew closer, Dominique and Kevin felt a growing conviction within their hearts. They made a momentous decision to offer Andrew a permanent place in their family. In May 2020, they planned a surprise that would forever solidify their bond. On that special day, accompanied by Molly Parker, a counselor from Youth Villages, Andrew embarked on a walk. To his surprise, he encountered the Gills and family friends he had come to know and love during his time with them. Balloons and heartfelt messages adorned the scene, as the family presented Andrew with a heartwarming question: Would he become Joc's brother?

The Gills' initial intention was to provide foster care and support for as many children as possible, not necessarily to adopt. They wanted to follow in the footsteps of Dominique's parents, who had fostered children when she was young. However, circumstances intervened, and Andrew's failed adoptions brought clarity to their purpose. Dominique realized that Andrew's presence in their lives was no accident but a divine plan. She shared, "Our mindset was we'd help him until he found his forever home. But after the second adoption didn't work out, I realized God put Andrew in our lives for a reason. God made sure the adoption didn't work out so he could come back to us."

When Andrew was asked if he wanted to stay with the Gills forever, tears streamed down his face, expressing his overwhelming joy and gratitude. Since the beginning, he had always been thankful for their acceptance and unwavering support. Dominique reflects, "From the beginning, Andrew has always said, 'Thank you for accepting me,' 'Thank you for not giving up on me.'"

Despite the beautiful story that has unfolded, the Gills and their children still face challenges in their daily lives. They are often subjected to stares and confused glances from strangers. Their family prompts people's curiosity and sometimes bewilderment. However, they remain steadfast in their belief that love transcends racial boundaries. When asked about Andrew's race preference for his foster parents, he chose the "no preference" option. To the Gills, Andrew is not just an adopted son but an integral part of their family, just like Joc.

Dominique Gill/Instagram

Reflecting on the profound bond that Andrew and Joc share, Kevin expressed his joy, saying, "As the years went on, they got pretty close. It's good to see that bond they have grown over the years." This heartwarming story of love, resilience, and family serves as an inspiring testament to the transformative power of acceptance and the extraordinary impact one family can have on a child's life.

If this story inspired you, spread it with someone who needs to read it. Stay Inspired

(via Today Show, Dominique Gill / Instagram)

Boy’s dream comes true after getting adopted by best friend's family

Boy’s dream comes true after getting adopted by best friend's family

In an incredible tale of love, resilience, and the unbreakable bonds of family, Andrew and Joc's lives were forever changed when destiny brought them together. Andrew, who spent a significant portion of his young life in foster care, found solace and a new beginning in the embrace of Joc's parents, Dominique and Kevin Gill. This heartfelt story of adoption and unconditional love showcases the extraordinary power of family.

Dominique Gill/Instagram

Dominique and Kevin opened their hearts and their home to Andrew, whose parental rights were tragically terminated at the tender age of six. At ten years old, he arrived in Nashville, Tennessee, unsure of what the future held. Dominique reflected on those early days, sharing with Today Parents, "Andrew has four siblings, and they were all adopted right away. During his first week with us, he sat in his room with the door closed and looked at old pictures. He didn't want to talk."

Dominique Gill/Instagram

Andrew's initial reaction to his new surroundings was one of resistance and turmoil. Fueled by fear and uncertainty, he would often act out, desperately trying to push away those who cared for him. Dominique recalls his shouts of frustration, "Just let me move out!" However, she refused to give up on him, determined to mend his wounded heart. She lovingly assured him, "We are going to get you together." And that's precisely what the Gill family did, showing Andrew unwavering support and affection.

Through their unwavering love and persistence, the Gill family witnessed a remarkable transformation in Andrew. He gradually gained emotional stability, and over the course of a year, his outbursts became a thing of the past. Andrew's journey toward healing had begun, and he was no longer the withdrawn child he once was.

A turning point in Andrew and Joc's relationship came when Joc invited Andrew to play video games. To Joc's astonishment, Andrew nodded in agreement, sparking a connection that would blossom into an unbreakable bond. Dominique acknowledges their newfound friendship, saying, "We had a lot of stuff in common." Video games, particularly Minecraft, became the medium through which they forged a deep and lasting connection.

Dominique Gill/Instagram

As time passed and the boys grew closer, Dominique and Kevin felt a growing conviction within their hearts. They made a momentous decision to offer Andrew a permanent place in their family. In May 2020, they planned a surprise that would forever solidify their bond. On that special day, accompanied by Molly Parker, a counselor from Youth Villages, Andrew embarked on a walk. To his surprise, he encountered the Gills and family friends he had come to know and love during his time with them. Balloons and heartfelt messages adorned the scene, as the family presented Andrew with a heartwarming question: Would he become Joc's brother?

The Gills' initial intention was to provide foster care and support for as many children as possible, not necessarily to adopt. They wanted to follow in the footsteps of Dominique's parents, who had fostered children when she was young. However, circumstances intervened, and Andrew's failed adoptions brought clarity to their purpose. Dominique realized that Andrew's presence in their lives was no accident but a divine plan. She shared, "Our mindset was we'd help him until he found his forever home. But after the second adoption didn't work out, I realized God put Andrew in our lives for a reason. God made sure the adoption didn't work out so he could come back to us."

When Andrew was asked if he wanted to stay with the Gills forever, tears streamed down his face, expressing his overwhelming joy and gratitude. Since the beginning, he had always been thankful for their acceptance and unwavering support. Dominique reflects, "From the beginning, Andrew has always said, 'Thank you for accepting me,' 'Thank you for not giving up on me.'"

Despite the beautiful story that has unfolded, the Gills and their children still face challenges in their daily lives. They are often subjected to stares and confused glances from strangers. Their family prompts people's curiosity and sometimes bewilderment. However, they remain steadfast in their belief that love transcends racial boundaries. When asked about Andrew's race preference for his foster parents, he chose the "no preference" option. To the Gills, Andrew is not just an adopted son but an integral part of their family, just like Joc.

Dominique Gill/Instagram

Reflecting on the profound bond that Andrew and Joc share, Kevin expressed his joy, saying, "As the years went on, they got pretty close. It's good to see that bond they have grown over the years." This heartwarming story of love, resilience, and family serves as an inspiring testament to the transformative power of acceptance and the extraordinary impact one family can have on a child's life.

If this story inspired you, spread it with someone who needs to read it. Stay Inspired

(via Today Show, Dominique Gill / Instagram)

Motivational speaker turns mean comment into teachable moment

Motivational speaker turns mean comment into teachable moment

Motivational speaker Lizzie Velásquez has recently demonstrated the power of turning negativity into a positive lesson, reminding us all of the importance of treating others with kindness and respect. In a world where the internet can sometimes be a breeding ground for hurtful comments, she encountered a particularly mean remark on Twitter, directed at her appearance.

Lizzie Velásquez / Instagram

However, rather than succumbing to the negativity, she decided to utilize her Instagram platform to transform this hurtful comment into a valuable teaching moment.

Lizzie Velásquez / Instagram

Taking to her Instagram account, Velásquez shared the disparaging comment and accompanied it with a profound message on the significance of embracing who you truly are, both in words and actions.

She wrote, “When people try to tear down your looks, show them who you truly are by your words and actions. Allowing their hateful opinions to open the door to you changing yourself physically, mentally, and/or morally in hopes of finding their “approval” is never worth it. Open that door for yourself. What you will find is needing approval from others has no place in that room with you. Sometimes the positive belief of YOURSELF is all the approval you need.”

Her inspiring words resonated with countless individuals who applauded her for showcasing the importance of kindness in our interactions with others. While some questioned why she would draw attention to the negative comment, Velásquez firmly believed that using it as a teachable moment and promoting positivity would outweigh the negativity.

This incident shed light on a profound truth: when people attempt to belittle others, it often reflects their own insecurities rather than the truth about the person they're attacking. By choosing to uplift rather than tear down, Velásquez exemplifies an incredible level of strength and resilience. Through her influential platform, she has become a beacon of hope, spreading positivity and encouragement to millions across the globe.

Lizzie Velásquez / Instagram

It is crucial for us all to recognize that behind every tweet, comment, TikTok, text, or post lies a real person with genuine emotions. She beautifully demonstrated how to treat others and didn't let pure ignorance bring her down. Instead, she channeled her energy towards helping others. We need more people just like Lizzie Velásquez.

Watch this video about her amazing story here:

If this story inspired you, spread it with someone who needs to read it. Stay Inspired

(via Lizzie Velásquez / Instagram)

Motivational speaker turns mean comment into teachable moment

Motivational speaker turns mean comment into teachable moment

Motivational speaker Lizzie Velásquez has recently demonstrated the power of turning negativity into a positive lesson, reminding us all of the importance of treating others with kindness and respect. In a world where the internet can sometimes be a breeding ground for hurtful comments, she encountered a particularly mean remark on Twitter, directed at her appearance.

Lizzie Velásquez / Instagram

However, rather than succumbing to the negativity, she decided to utilize her Instagram platform to transform this hurtful comment into a valuable teaching moment.

Lizzie Velásquez / Instagram

Taking to her Instagram account, Velásquez shared the disparaging comment and accompanied it with a profound message on the significance of embracing who you truly are, both in words and actions.

She wrote, “When people try to tear down your looks, show them who you truly are by your words and actions. Allowing their hateful opinions to open the door to you changing yourself physically, mentally, and/or morally in hopes of finding their “approval” is never worth it. Open that door for yourself. What you will find is needing approval from others has no place in that room with you. Sometimes the positive belief of YOURSELF is all the approval you need.”

Her inspiring words resonated with countless individuals who applauded her for showcasing the importance of kindness in our interactions with others. While some questioned why she would draw attention to the negative comment, Velásquez firmly believed that using it as a teachable moment and promoting positivity would outweigh the negativity.

This incident shed light on a profound truth: when people attempt to belittle others, it often reflects their own insecurities rather than the truth about the person they're attacking. By choosing to uplift rather than tear down, Velásquez exemplifies an incredible level of strength and resilience. Through her influential platform, she has become a beacon of hope, spreading positivity and encouragement to millions across the globe.

Lizzie Velásquez / Instagram

It is crucial for us all to recognize that behind every tweet, comment, TikTok, text, or post lies a real person with genuine emotions. She beautifully demonstrated how to treat others and didn't let pure ignorance bring her down. Instead, she channeled her energy towards helping others. We need more people just like Lizzie Velásquez.

Watch this video about her amazing story here:

If this story inspired you, spread it with someone who needs to read it. Stay Inspired

(via Lizzie Velásquez / Instagram)